
What is Streak Saver & how does it work?


SFI's Streak Saver feature helps affiliates protect their achievement streaks in case of power outages, illness, family emergencies, vacations and traveling, etc. 

Here’s how it works...

1. Go to MY ACCOUNT and click on the Streak Saver link.

2. Activate Streak Saver by clicking the green button. 10 ZCredits will be deducted from your account monthly to pay for the service (for as long as you wish to subscribe).

Once activated, Streak Saver will protect EVERY daily streak* you have in SFI. Specifically, if you fail to keep a streak going, Streak Saver will automatically step in and save your streak. However, you will lose 10 days off whatever streak number you have, and you will lose an additional 10 days for each day your streak is not extended until there are no more days left on your streak to protect.


Let’s say you’re a big fan of our Eager Zebra game Brain Sprint, and you have a 215-day Sprint Streak badge. But due to a family emergency, you were unable to get to your computer for one day to play Brain Sprint and extend your streak. No worries! If you’ve got Streak Saver activated, Streak Saver will save your streak, but your total number of days will be reduced to 205 (if you missed another day, your streak would drop to 195, and so on). As soon as you’re back to playing Brain Sprint again, your streak number will start accumulating again from where you left off.

NOTE: In the top right corner; you’ll also be automatically earning Grace Days while Streak Saver is activated (you earn two Grace Days monthly). And with Grace Days, your streaks are FULLY protected! That is, if you’ve accumulated Grace Days, they will be automatically used if you allow a streak to become inactive…and NO days will be reduced from your streak!

3. Another cool feature of Streak Saver is Vacation Mode. When you know ahead of time that you won't be able to extend your streaks, simply enter the number of days you want to use Vacation Mode and when you want it to start—and you’re all set! 

NOTE: As soon as you subscribe to Streak Saver, you’ll have seven vacation days to use. After three months, you’ll get seven more days. After one year, you can accumulate up to 28 days (the maximum) for vacation. 

4. That’s it. Activate Streak Saver and you no longer have to worry about losing your valuable achievement badges and Badge Quest points. And if you ever want to stop using Streak Saver, simply deactivate it.

*Excludes the non-daily Apex Streak (which requires members to extend the streak every 3 days)


Q: For multiple streaks,  do I need to pay for each Streak one at a timey or does the same deduction pay for all? 

A: Just 10 ZCredits a month essentially takes care of all your streaks.

Q: Does Streak Saver also cover All Days Streak?

A: Yes. Streak Saver covers ALL daily streaks.

Q: How will I be able to activate Strike Saver should I not be able to log on to my SFI account because of a power outage, etc.?

A: Streak Saver only needs to be activated ONCE. It will then work silently in the background doing its job no matter what.

Q: Why is there a penalty attached to the use of Streak Saver?

A: We realized there has to be some "pain" for using Streak Saver. Otherwise, affiliates and members would simply not bother to keep their streaks going, and that will hurt every affiliate, reduce engagement, and cause commissions to go down. It's extremely important that there be a proper middle ground to how Streak Saver operates—to allow for life's unexpected events but also to keep everyone strongly engaged. 

Q: Will I have to play ALL Eager Zebra games when I have STREAK SAVER activated to prevent a loss of Grace Days?

A: You only have to extend the streaks you currently have going. If you let one lapse, then a grace day will be used.

Q: Can I choose the streaks I want my Grace Days used for?

A: Yes. You can do this via the Streak Saver option on the My Account page. That also means if there are streaks that you don't typically maintain, you can exclude them. NOTE: If your "streak" is only at 1, Streak Saver will not use a Grace Day.